Monday, February 23, 2009

Walking the Walk

ACCOUNTABILITY - looking in the mirror and taking a photo are two very different ways of measuring progress. It is very difficult for most of us to see or notice small changes in the mirror, but photos sure show the difference. Starting a fitness program as intense and time consuming for most of us is a very difficult decision. Something usually has to happen to force us to make a change. Getting winded walking up the stairs and noticing it might be enough, having someone tell its time, or just seeing a new record high on the scale. The act of clearing the calendar and all other responsibilities needs to occur next, for some it is a needed step, for others it is just a stall tactic. But let's say success is reached, the program is followed, the diet is changed, the goal is achieved. Then what? Have you made a commitment to maintain your results? Have your results been so outstanding that others have noticed? Have you publicly published your results so others will noticed or kept them to yourself?
Good or bad, I have published my results, here on my blog, on my facebook, as well as even the local paper:

Quite an honor, and a bit embarrassing at the same time. And I do have sympathy for my wife. It's one thing to have a blog, but the local paper is seen by the neighbors. Now I have the ultimate accountability. At church, its noticed if I sneak a cookie after service on Sunday. People look in my shopping cart at the grocery store. Even at a men's retreat this weekend, everyone had to visually compare the items on their plate to mine. The accountability is great! But I also now feel the pressure to act responsibly and not let others see me slipping up because it makes it okay for them.

There is not a magic secret to fitness and health. It requires daily work, and now for me is really routine, and if I miss workout I notice, just like if I missed brushing my teeth. Starting out it is usually enough to have your own motivation and accountability, but don't be afraid to let others help you!